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We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat


Artists  XV Kilist, Rocco

Label  Iboga Records

boga Records is proud to present 'We're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat', a new album from XV Kilist & Rocco. When artists have been producing together for as long as these guys you can really feel it in their tunes. The tracks on this album make that point, each following it's own individual groove while staying on one very harmonious wavelength. XV Kilist & Rocco have gone for a unique psy formula with this release, the outcome of which is 8 awesome tracks that leave us with feet that are moving a...

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We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat

boga Records is proud to present 'We're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat', a new album from XV Kilist & Rocco. When artists have been producing together for as long as these guys you can really feel it in their tunes. The tracks on this album make that point, each following it's own individual groove while staying on one very harmonious wavelength. XV Kilist & Rocco have gone for a unique psy formula with this release, the outcome of which is 8 awesome tracks that leave us with feet that are moving and fingers that are crossed that this is just the first of many more albums.

1. Who Would You Call?
2. Fingers on the Keys
3. Function Junction
4. Boundless
5. High Voltage Karaoke
6. Comida De Tiburon (Original Mix)
7. Naked Ape
8. The Sailor's Diary

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